About us

Who is Leonard Condemine

I began my creative journey in 2010 as a sculptor with a focus on masks. I’ve always been captivated by bringing objects to life and using them as medium to explore my identity.

Over time, these masks became the centerpiece for performances, photography projects, and installations. After six years of exhibitions and mixed-media exploration, I felt the urge to craft pieces that people could wear and connect with more genuinely.

The inspiration

Exploring since 2014 Berlin’s vibrant techno scene, I decided to channel my artistic practice into wearable creations.

In 2016, I took a few leatherworking classes in Paris, but at heart, I’m a self-taught craftsperson. I deeply believe in the DIY ethos and the power of hands-on practice and dedication to evolve a craftm a vision.

My initial aim was simple: to create leather accessories that would elevate the experience of dancing and enhance body experiences.


By 2020, my vision had expanded to designing full-body sets and bodysuits made-to-measure for all bodies, all shapes and genders .

As a craftsman and artist first and foremost (rather than a fashion designer) I prioritize continuous evolution.

My work grows from clients feedback: each year, my designs become more refined, with an ever-increasing attention to detail and customization possibilities.

Now in my 9th year as a leatherworker, I remain fully devoted to handcrafting each piece with care and precision—eschewing industrial processes in favor of true artisanal craftsmanship.

Thank you for your trust and support.

Léonard Condemine